Ground Penetrating Radar Scan.
I am a True Crime Writer and Television Investigative Consultant. I have for the past 14 years been researching the horrendous crimes committed by Abertillery-born Harold Jones. In 1921, Jones then aged 15 murdered 2 Abertillery, Wales schoolgirls, Freda Burnell aged 8 and 11 year-old Florence Little. After being released from prison in 1941 Jones served 5 years in the army before settling in Fulham, Putney and finally Hammersmith where he died in 1971. Jones used a number of names during his time in London - first Harold Jones, then Harry Stevens and finally Harry Jones. Research has led myself and many criminal experts to believe that Jones went on to become the serial killer known as the Hammersmith Nudes' Killer (1959-1965.) 8 unsolved killings have over the past 11 years been given much media attention. In 2011 a one hour drama documentary titled Fred Dinenage Murder Casebook - Harold Jones -The Welsh Killer has been shown repeatedly on various satellite Channels worldwide. (Google Harold Jones -The Welsh Killer.) This led to a major 90 minute national television documentary which was shown in January and February 2019. (Google Dark Son - The Hunt For A Serial Killer to see trailers.) In the early 1960's Jones using the name Harry Stevens had lived in Fulham, 2 streets away from 3rd nudes's victim Hannah Tailford. In 1964 and 1965 whilst living in Putney under the name Harry Stevens, he was AT THE SAME TIME occupying a rented house in Hammersmith using the name Harry Jones. This was 2 streets away from 7th nudes victim Frances Brown and 8th nudes' victim Bridget O'Hara. It is my belief that there may be trophies buried in the garden at Hammersmith and the owner has now given me permission to use ground-penetrating radar to detect any such evidence.I am trying to locate someone in the film or media industry or anyone else who would be willing to cover the cost of the scan and record the garden being scanned. (Approximately 70 square metres.)On top of the circumstantial evidence regarding Jones living just 2 streets away from 3 of the murder victims below are a few more startling links.(1) Jones' own daughter has indicated that her father would leave her and her mother at home at the times of the killings and book into Rowton House, a doss house in Hammersmith whenever her parents would have a row. The daughter stated that she now believes her father would do this in fear that he may kill his wife in temper. Jones' own son-in-law stated that "There's no smoke without fire is there?"(2) Bridget O'Hara, the 8th victim was last seen leaving a pub near Rowton House on 11 January 1975 - Jones' birthday.(3) The person believed to be the killer had in 1964 shown one woman (a prostitute) a Metropolitan Police warrant card after she had got into his car. She stated that she felt very uncomfortable and made an excuse to get out of the vehicle. The driver gave her some cash before she got out. I believe the person was Harold Jones who was using the warrant card that had belonged to John Widdows, Jones father-in-law who had died just 2-3 years earlier. Widdows was a former London Metropolitan Police officer. Jones daughter stated that she still possessed her grandfather's retirement clock and Widdows may have possibly kept his warrant card when he retired.(4) At least 4 of the 8 murder victims were stored in a disused electricity sub-station on the Heron Trading Estate in East Acton. This was about 4 miles from Jones' rented property in Hammersmith. Jones daughter claims that her father worked in ACTON at the time of the murders but couldn't or wouldn't reveal which business premises he had worked at.(5) Jones left prison in 1941 after refusing treatment or discussing his crimes with the relevant authorities. The prison authorities noted that Jones, right to the day he was released showed no remorse for his crimes in Wales. Just shortly before his release the prison governor stated: "Sad as it seems, I can see no hopeful prospects for Jones in the future." The prison chaplain described Jones as "a no hoper." And then Jones was released onto an unsuspecting public possibly in the hope he would get killed in Libya where he served 5 years in the army.I am in contact with relatives of 6 of the 8 murder victims and they all (especially adult children of these women) are keen to know the identity of the killer in their lifetime. I am now 67 years old and I would like to know for sure the killer's identify in my lifetime.If anyone would like to come on board with this matter or have any practical suggestions I can be contacted at or 07989555376. Regards. Neil Milkins.
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