"Residents' Recycling Is Not Thrown Away!"
Please see the videos ("virtual tours") produced by Cory which show a bit about the sorting of recyclables and a lot about their Energy from Waste plant downriver near Becton. Of the total of 22 million tons per year of both recyclables and non-recyclables sent to the Western Riverside Waste Authority at Wandsworth, about 10 million tons is sorted into steel, aluminium, paper, glass, plastics (7 "resin codes"), etc. and the balance of 12 million tons is burnt in a highly efficient incinerator (at over 1000 degrees C) to produce baseload electricity (and carbon dioxide, obviously!). There is also a question mark about whether there is a market at any particular time for the second-hand paper, aluminium, etc. That is probably why the recyclables bags from H&F ended up in Malaysia.
Una-Jane Winfield ● 2048d0 Comments