Cygnet Players are delighted to present the multi awardwinning Cole Porter musical, Kiss Me, Kate!
From Wednesday 20th to Saturday 23rd February 2019At London Oratory School Theatre, Seagrave Road, London, SW6 1RXPerformances nightly at 7.45pm with a 2.00pm Saturday matineeTickets £18 (£16 concessions) can be bought from the Cygnet Players box office on 07941 448 689 or via Music and lyrics by Cole Porter | Book by Bella and Samuel Spewack By arrangement with Musicscope and Stage Musicals Limited of New YorkAbout the show Set both on and off stage during the production of a musical version of The Taming of the Shrew, Kiss Me, Kate revolves around the tempestuous love lives of actor-manager Fred Graham, and his leading lady and ex-wife, Lilli Vanessi. Throw in Fred’s current love interest Lois Lane, her gambler boyfriend Bill, and a couple of gangsters who somehow get caught up in the show, and the stage is set for a funny and farcical battle of the sexes!A delightful tribute to the glittering wit of Shakespeare, and an irresistible celebration of the pleasure and folly of working in theatre, Cole Porter’s witty, jazz-inflected score features hit after hit, with show-stopping numbers including ‘Another Op’nin’ Another Show’, ‘Brush Up Your Shakespeare’, ‘Always True To You In My Fashion’ and ‘Too Darn Hot.’
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