Former Hammersmith, Putney and Fulham child killer.
Regarding Abertillery child killer Harold Jones. 10 years ago, New Scotland Yard informed South Wales Police that they believed it was possible that Harold Jones may have been the killer of 12 year-old Muriel Joan Drinkwater in Swansea in 1946. The Detective Chief Inspector who led the murder inquiry ten years ago has retired from the Force refusing to believe that Jones was the killer, although D.N.A could prove one way or the other whether Jones was or not. Now under instructions from the South Wales Police Chief Constable Matt Jukes, the case is being looked into by South Wales Police Assistant Chief Constable Jonathan Drake, Detective Chief Superintendent Danny Richards and Detective Chief Inspector Mark O'Shea. Five years ago respected Detective Chief Inspector Paul Bethell confirmed that Jones WAS a suspect in the Drinkwater murder inquiry.
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