Hammersmith Murders.
A new book- The Secret Life Of Freddie Mills has been released by a former Sun newspaper reporter, Michael Litchfield published by a former Sun editor of Bizzare, John Blake. The book alleges that former world boxing champion Freddie Mills was the person dubbed The Hammersmith Nudes' Killer of the 1960's. Evidence proves that Mills has been wrongly stitched up. The book has been publicised in the Sun, the Daily Mail and other newspapers including the Bournemouth Echo the town where Freddie Mills was born. Comments from readers of the Bournemouth Echo have roundly condemned the malicious lies. If you read the Bournemouth Echo story most persons would I believe think the alleged evidence to be preposterous. (google Freddie Mills-Bournemouth Echo.) For instance in the book Freddie Mills had allegedly confessed to John du Rose the officer in charge of the case that he was the killer. But because Du Rose and Mills were Freemasons Du Rose never told his superiors. Even more ludicrous- fact Freddie Mills was desperately short of money when he died yet the book claims he gave the Kray Twins £1000 to assassinate him. Rightly Freddies daughter Susan and his stepson, actor Don McCorkindale are incensed.
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