Hammersmith & Fulham U3A (University of the Third Age)
The U3A (University of the Third Age) is a unique organisation that provides opportunities for its members which can be life enhancing and life changing. Retired and semi-retired people come together and learn together, not for qualifications but for the sheer joy of discovery! Members share their skills and life experiences: the learners teach, the teachers learn and there is no distinction between them.U3As are independently run by their members for their members. We started in 2004 and our membership is approaching 200.Our interest groups allow everyone the chance to take part in educational, creative and leisure activities.We hold an open meeting on the second Tuesday of the month at St Mary’s Church Hall, 2 Edith Road, W14 9BA. Meetings start at 10.30 with news from the Chair and Group Leaders. The coffee break at 11.00 is normally followed by a speaker at 11.30 and we aim to finish about 12.45.Why not test the water? Visitors (£2.50) get a warm welcome. If you would like to join, the annual membership fee is £20.Contact Details Membership EnquiriesRichard Radmore 020 7381 1676email: richardradmore@hotmail.com
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