Unlicensed Music Event Held on Horsenden Hill

Police seal off area after hundreds of people congregate

Unlicensed Music Event Held on Horsenden Hill
Crowd on Horsenden Hill estimated to be in excess of 300

What appears to have been a pre-planned unlicensed music event was held on Horsenden hill this Sunday evening (9 August).

A crowd of around 300 people had gathered by 7.30pm in one corner of the field near the entrance from Berkeley Avenue.

Although there appeared to be no official catering at the event a number of marquees had been set up around which people were congregating.

Loud rap music was heard by residents some distance away coming from a sound system set up at the gathering.

Video footage taken by a local resident suggests there was little observance of social distancing at the event and very few people were wearing masks.

Officers from the local Safer Neighbourhood Team arrived at the site early in the evening and drove their van up to the crowd of people. A road block was set up on Bilton Road to the south of the canal preventing people from entering the area.

The crowd started to disperse as it got darker at around 9pm. There have been no reports of any disturbances other than noise during the event.

Residents in the area say that gatherings in the park have been growing in size and frequency for some time but this is the largest yet.

August 12, 2020