Historic England looking at whether it is worth protecting
Homebase, Gillette corner
As previously reported by OWGRA (Osterley & Wyke Green Residents' Association), Berkeley Homes are proposing a massive complex of flats (over 2,500) on the current Tesco site with Tesco relocating to the current Homebase site after redevelopment.
OWGRA tried to get the Homebase building included in the Local List of protected buildings, as it was designed by Nicholas Grimshaw & Partners in 1987 and is a superb example of the HighTech style which this architect was famous for, as well as being a true local landmark. Unfortunately Hounslow Council rejected this, stating the building was of little architectural merit.
The building has now been placed on the “Top 10 C20 Society Buildings at Risk List 2019” across the whole of Britain by the Twentieth Century Society, which seeks to safeguard the heritage of architecture and design in Britain from 1914 onwards (see https://c20society.org.uk/news/top-10-c20-society-buildings-at-risk-list-2019/ ). To protect it, they have applied to Historic England for it to be protected as a nationally listed building (in the same way that Osterley Station and the Gillette Building are) on the National Heritage List for England. Historic England is preparing their report on this request (case ref. 1464682) and will advise OWGRA when the report is complete and issued for consultation. Then they will invite comments from interested parties and the public as to whether they feel that the building should be protected as a listed building.
July 22, 2019