Nine-Storey Car Park To Be First Part of Brentford Development

Ballymore want 'temporary' parking to be allowed on Dock Road

Car Park

Developers Ballymore have submitted a ‘reserved matters’ application for a temporary car park in Brentford.

This is to allow them to fulfil their section 106 obligation to provide 150 parking spaces near the High Street. Originally it was intended that they would do this at a separate site but now they want to place the ‘temporary’ parking in Plot G of the development on Dock Road opposite Morrisons. This is a nine-storey structure which will contain over 500 parking spaces. It was part of the outline planning permission granted by the London Borough of Hounslow in 2015 for the mixed-use development including 876 new homes,

Ballymore state that the application is just for five years but that it is required to be built before the wider development can start. The car park would continue to operate after the five years is over.

According to local councillor Guy Lambert the application is necessary because it was originally planned that temporary parking for the scheme would be at another location but now approval is being sought to use the building which was given permission back in 2015 for parking ahead of completion. The building will have nine floors offering 508 car parking spaces with 17 motorbike spaces. Ultimately it will provide primarily residential parking to support the flats that will be built in the Ballymore scheme but some space will be available for people using shops on the High Street.

Cllr Lambert says the current planning application does not change the height or contours of the approved scheme. It will be 'wrapped' in an advertising hoarding, similar to the one currently on view at the foot of Half Acre. This will require a separate planning application.

Vehicular access/egress will be via Dock Road, and pedestrian access via waterside and High Street.

Phasing planPhase IA blocks A, B, C, K (purple), Council block D (grey), phase 2 (orange), car park block G (yellow) - (larger version)

Outline Planning permission P/2012/2735 was granted with a Section 106 requirement that 150+ parking spaces be provided before construction starts. It was originally agreed that this would be on Block J but it has been agreed in principle to move this to Block G, subject to this planning application.

The Brentford Waterside project will ultimately deliver 876 new homes, around 14,000 sq m of new retail, 4,000 sq m commercial space, and new public realm including an extended Thames path. An information centre is planned to be on site from late April.

If you would like to view the plans or comment on this application P/2019/0526 visit and enter the system number.


April 4, 2019