Threat Of Bulldozers For Goldsmiths Arms

Planning application for demolition of historic building to create flats

Goldsmiths arms

Residents are being urged to add their comments to planning proposals which could mean the end of an historic Acton pub.

The Goldsmiths Arms in East Acton has been a pub since 1826 but finally closed in September 2017.

Since then there has been been a huge campaign run by the local residents association to try and keep it open. A petition has been signed by over 2,000 calling on the council to support the local community.

The petition reads, ''For 200-years this historic pub has sat at the centre of the East Acton community. We believe that our pub can have a bright future serving a growing population in an area where the population continues to grow. We ask that Ealing Council give its’ support to our campaign to preserve the Goldsmiths Arms in its’ current form as a pub and community facility.

However the new plans from Metropolitan Thames Valley Housing (MTVH) for the site at 130 East Acton Lane, are for a building of 3-6 storey with 65 flats, flexible commercial floor space, community centre/ nursery and gym.


There have been a number of angry comments on the council's planning portal -many objecting to the overdevelopment of Acton.

'' Acton's population is increasing at an almost alarming rate and community amenities are disappearing. I don't want Acton to turn into a large housing estate with no sense of community. Stop lining the pockets of greedy property developers.''

''I have lived in Acton for the majority of my life and all this over-development and loss of our local history is making me want to move away from London. When will enough ever be enough??? PLEASE don't tear down the Goldsmiths too!!

''Acton is saturated with new flats , we need to keep the pub for the community . With support from the council and community the pub could be an invaluable community asset with social activities for the young and old.''

One comment however, supports the application:

'' I am not an immediate neighbour to this site but as a property professional take a keen interest is regeneration and development in the area. I cycle past this site several time a week and it is fantastic to see a housing association taking this large and viable site to create housing and a new community. I add this supportive comment to counter the comments from people who claim to want the existing pub building to be retained sadly clinging onto the past and cannot see the massive advantages new development and rejuvenation such a scheme brings to any area. Use as a pub is clearly not financially viable nor demanded by the majority of residents. The design and use of the site uses the road frontage well, however I do comment at 6 storeys it is fairly tall, I believe this is a product of the retail provision on the ground floor, which is a viable need / design as there are very fee local shops. If there is truly a demand for licence premises / a pub then there is no reason why one of the new units will not be taken up for this.''

Jacqueline Davis who has spearheaded the residents campaign urges everyone to make their feelings known.

She says: ''please, please object to this mindless destruction of valuable community space.''
The deadline for objections is 12 April 2019

26th March 2019